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알바몬 당구왕 4구 해설 중 Free Ball은 혹시 Free Game이 아닌지요?
작성자 정필규 작성일 2018-06-14
2018 알바몬 코리아 당구왕 4구 해설 중 Free Ball은 혹시 Free Game이 아닌지요?

2018.6.13 21시 ~ 23시 4구 남자부 동영상을 시청 중 해설자의 설명 관련입니다.

Free Ball과 Free Game 간에 용어에 혼동이 있었던 것으로 생각합니다.

바른 용어가 무엇인지 검색을 통하여 확인했습니다.

Straight Rail과 Balkline Games의 중간쯤이 되는 The champion's game[최하단 설명]이 해설자의 의도였을 것으로 이해합니다.


참고 내용을 연결합니다.

■프리 게임(free game) : 대형 당구대 또는 중형 당구대를 이용해서 하는 3구 게임의 하나. 각 코너에
제한 구역을 설정하고 그 안에서는 2회 계속해서 득점할 수 없는 규정.

출처: http://www.gbpa.or.kr/bbs/board.php?bo_table=cb_hwaseong&wr_id=71&sca=%C0%DA%C0%AF%B0%D4%BD%C3%C6%C7


출처 : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balkline_and_straight_rail
그림이 나옵니다.
A straight rail table showing the modern balklines in solid lines. The dotted ones represent pre-1948 balklines.

Straight rail from which the balkline games derive, sometimes called carom billiards, straight billiards, the three-ball game, the carambole game, and the free game (or libre) in Europe, is thought to date to the 18th century, although no exact time of origin is known.

그림 출처 : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Carom_Table-Straight_Rail-Balklines_short_and_long_(Portrait).svg
그림 설명 : A straight rail table showing the modern balklines in solid lines. The dotted ones represent pre-1948 balklines.

출처 : https://www.usba.net/other-games/straight-rail

Straight Rail aka(also known as) Free Game
Around the world, the name "straight rail" is not used to describe the basic carom (ball to ball) game. It is generally called either the free game, which is the English translation of the French "partie libre," or simply "libre." In America, we still call the basic carom game "straight rail" even after triangular balk zones in the corners were introduced limiting the number of points a player could be scored in those zones. These zones gave birth to the "championship game," where the corner triangular balk was extended, moving it to the first diamond on the short rail and the second diamond on the long rail.


출처 : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carom_billiards

Straight rail, sometimes referred to as carom billiards, straight billiards, the three-ball game, the carambole game, and the free game in Europe, is thought to date to the 18th century, although no exact time of origin is known.

The champion's game[edit]

Further information: Balkline and straight rail
The new game appearing in 1879, called the champion's game or limited-rail, is considered an intermediary game between straight rail and balkline and was designed with the specific intent of frustrating the rail nurse.[1] The game employed diagonal lines—balklines—at the table's corners to regions where counts were restricted, thus "cutting off four triangular spaces in the four corners, [taking] away 711 mm (28 in) of the 'nursing' surface of the end rails and 1,422 mm (56 in) on the long rails."[13] Ultimately, however, despite its divergence from straight rail, the champion's game simply expanded the dimensions of the balk space defined under the existing crotch prohibition which was not sufficient to stop nursing.[1]

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김한성 2018-06-14

그러네요. 임윤수 해설위원께서 (박승기 vs 박종길 4구 경기 해설 중에) "free ball" 이라고 하셨네요. 하지만 바로 뒤에 부연설명으로 "partie libre"라고 멘트하셨으니 "free game"을 의도하셨을 것 같네요. 작성자님의 예리함과 꼼꼼함에 감탄합니다.^^ 궁금해서 유투브에 "partie libre"로 검색해보니 몇몇 영상들이 나오네요.